★Howdy講習会ダンス★ Rising Hell☆ Where Oh Where☆☆ Mesmerised☆☆☆ Wasted On You☆☆☆ Quit The Show☆☆☆ Rip It Up☆☆ Save Your Kisses☆☆ Gotta Good Feeling☆☆ Just Fly Away☆☆ Love Connection☆☆ Brings You Happiness☆☆ You You You☆☆ Irish Rover☆☆ One Of Us☆☆ A Few Shots!☆☆☆ Country In 3☆☆☆ Take A Picture☆☆☆ My Beauty Freak☆☆☆ Shy Waltz☆ Drink Drank Drunk☆☆ I’ve Seen It All☆☆ Liquid Sunshine☆☆ Money In My Pocket☆☆ Moses Roses Toeses☆☆ My Girl Josephine☆☆ Ale Ale Ale☆☆☆ Sadness☆☆☆ Dance Elita☆☆☆ Keeping Me Alive☆☆☆